Wednesday, August 18, 2010


All life is measured by moments lived
One second at a time.
Pearls of memory glisten and shine for such a short time.
It's luster fades like dew in the morning sun.
Life~ a series of events, the good, bad, and mundane of it all....
Difficulties 'A test of our metal" my Grandad always said.
Each moment, one at a time,
Becomes our wisdom, our life's experience.
Moments shared strung together like pearls on a string.
Glistening like precious jewels in the dazzling light of day.
Life well lived, love shared generously, experiences strung together
Beaded, dazzling pearls lovingly added to the string of life one by one~

The Beat of the Drum

The beat of the drum opens the door to our memory.
Ancient stories passed on to generations and generations yet to come.
True~ as the sea rolls in and out,
As bright as the stars that shine in the black of night.
Old souls in a modern world , seeking balance, harmony.
Looking for a place where peace exists, presently struggling to co-exist.
Living in a throw away-instant world,
Where patience, kindness, and compassion struggles to be known
in this inhumane, human world.
Softly, gently, drumming, beckoning to us
the quiet drum beat, the heart beat of Mother Earth.
Calling to us, to heal us, bringing us together as one.
In harmony as we reconnect to the beat of the drum.